Beautiful EMILY, nearly 10 years old in this picture and still a "poster girl" among the Caucasians. Here she lounges by the pool, like any Hollywood starlet ! She is now 12 years old, owned and loved by the Goodyear family.
 Beautiful BELLA, 11 years old in this picture and just as much a "poster girl" as her sister, EMILY. Here she is a sweetie bear, as she has been for over a decade, ever the faithful companion of the loving Spotkov family. BELLA comes by her enduring loyalty and strength quite naturally: Born March 3, 1994, BELLA and EMILY are grand-daughters of the great FARAON.
 The great FARAON, Soviet multi-champion, KS protection-titled, and always my great bear Fedya. Here he is nearing his 14th birthday - a lifetime and a half for a Caucasian. There have been none finer than FARAON.
 HURMA iz Ilinka TT, my "Hema" at nearly 11 years old. Second ATTS TT Temperament certified Caucasian in the US, foundation dam at Esquire Caucasians, dam of Ch. Esquire's BRUNO TT, and my dear-to-heart girl. HEMA was imported as a young adult from a factory guarding kennel in St. Petersburg Russia where she had already earned her first guarding certificate. Gentle as a lamb with family, loyal, loving, headstrong, not obedient, perfect judgment, and an uncorruptable guard, "Hema" has taught me the meaning of "One Correct Breed Standard Temperament". Our foundation at Esquire Caucasians.
 Ch. Esquire's BRUNO TT. First USA born champion. First ATTS TT temperament certified Caucasian in the U.S. Unanimously rated "EXCELLENT" under FCI, AKC and rarebreed judges. Another of my great, old, dear bears, here at over 11 years old.
